Lovell 5 Aside Charity Football Tournament

04 Jun, 2024

We are delighted to have been invited to take part in Lovell Homes’ annual Charity Football Tournament earlier this month, where they were able to raise over £2,500 for their chosen charity – Leeds Hospitals Charity.

To add to this impressive sum, Lovell are continuing to take part in numerous fundraising events in support of the Rob Burrow Centre for MND Appeal with Leeds Hospitals Charity. The aim of these fundraisers is to create a specialist MND Care Centre in Leeds, so comprehensive care and support can be given to those who have been affected by the disease.

Overall, it was a great event with some fantastic football, great attitude to play and lots of fun! The eventual winners from all the knockout rounds were Harlaxton Engineering Services Limited, our congratulations and credit due on playing some very good football!

Despite not being the winners, it was a pleasure to take part in a fantastic event to support a good cause. We want to wish Lovell Homes the very best in their mission and future fundraisers.

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